April 18, 2020

Ask any five-year-old child right now what they want to be when they grow up. Some aspire for the near-impossible, like professional basketball player, actor or President of the United States. Others want to be doctors, detectives or lawyers. But chances are when you contact the same person 20 years later, their lives are nothing like their childhood dreams and goals.

A 2019 survey by found that 78% of adults were not doing the job they dreamed of as a child. The 2017 Hearth Insights’ State of the American Dream report had similar results. Fewer than one in five adults said they were living the dream. Short-term goals are just as elusive as long-term ones. A 2017 University of Scranton survey found that only 8% of adults fulfilled their New Year’s resolutions.

One of the biggest and most common roadblocks to fulfilling dreams and goals is measuring yourself against others. NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley recently said that he would never create a social media account because of all the vitriol. People log on and “talk bad about successful people all day,” he said. Those individuals simply must work on themselves. Whether it’s more money, love or world travel, you can achieve it if you can dream it.

Envision the end goal

Zach Moore is a former college football player at the University of Rhode Island. He suffered a serious neck injury and was unable to continue his playing career. He took oxycodone to mitigate the pain. But Moore soon found himself addicted to the drugs. Lost and quickly spiraling downhill, Moore made changes to his life that led him towards the path to success.

“My self-development as an individual came through the process of figuring out how to get myself off [the pain killers], without going to rehab,” Moore said in a recent episode of the Cocksure Soul podcast. “I was forced into a place where I had a problem that was life or death. I decided that if I can no longer play football, I’m going to be the best NFL agent ever.”

Moore is not only a certified NFL Agent today, but also author of the book Caponomics: Building Super Bowl Champions. Moore is also fulfilling his athletic dreams in a different way. He started his professional Jiu Jitsu career this year.

Choose goals that will improve your life, standing and well-being. Envision it, live it and understand the mindset it takes to get you there. Both your thoughts and actions ultimately manifest in reality if you’re consistent. Act as if you are already successful in your goals. That way you’ll know how to handle it when everything comes to fruition.

Let the stars align

Obsessing about your goals and dreams is detrimental to the end. A single man will remain that way if he’s always thinking about those few extra pounds and the ex-girlfriend who broke his heart. Accept your life as it is while taking tangible steps towards changing it. The universe works in mysterious ways. Sure it’s cliché. But there’s a reason astrologers have been important men in society for centuries.

The ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym connects men with their mid-frequency brain wave spectrum. Alpha waves are slightly faster than Theta (sleeping) waves and slower than Beta (normal wakefulness) waves. An ALPHA man is a creative artist, a diligent researcher and a loving, caring father, husband, and/or friend.

Join the ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym today.