Depression, anxiety rampant among young American men

by | Apr 30, 2020 | Alpha Brain Wavelength, Relaxation | 0 comments
April 30, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic notwithstanding, young Millennials and Generation Z are not happy. The youngest Millennial – those born from 1994-96 – and oldest Gen Z men (age 18-23) have one thing in common. They’ve only known a world with internet and smartphones. Correlation does not equal causation. But it certainly provides a starting point for observation.

A 2017 report by Blue Cross Blue Shield found that the age 21-36 group had the highest prevalence of depression versus Generation X and Baby Boomers. The 2019 Mental Health at Work report by Mind Share Partners provides even more perspective. Half of Millennials reported quitting jobs due to mental health reasons. Generation Z is even more affected my mental health issues – 75% reported leaving jobs as a result. Only 20% of the adult population at-large (including Generation X and Baby Boomers) have left jobs for similar reasons.

The world is a digital playground dominated by social media, streaming videos and television. Aristotle famously stated:

“Man is by nature a social animal. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god.”

Society in 2020 revolves around our mobile devices. But our brains were never wired to nurture relationships and manifest goals from five-inch screens.

“Trapped in my own mind”

The ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym has members ranging from age 18 to 70 and up. Common themes, however, exists among the youngest men seeking control of their alpha brainwaves. Negativity, toxicity and debauchery are ubiquitous on television and social media. Young men today spend more time with electronic devices than their predecessors.

A 2019 study by Provision Living found that all Americans spend at least five hours on their smartphones every day. But 13% of Millennials spend over 12 hours per day on their devices, compared to only 5% of Baby Boomers doing the same. Conversely children age 15-17 spent a total of 20 hours per week (less than three hours per day) watching television and using computers in 2002-03, according to a 2004 study entitled “Changing Times Of American Youth.” That same age group spent only 15 hours per week watching television in 1981-82.

Technology is useful for expediting processes, networking and entertainment. But like any activity, it must be done in moderation. There are many benefits to drinking a glass of wine every day, from increased antioxidant levels to lowering bad cholesterol. But a bottle of wine per day raises the risk of strokes and aneurysms. There’s no consensus on what defines healthy levels of social media and internet use. Monitor your usage for a week. Replace one hour with a different activity (reading, working out, talking to family, etc.) the following week. Continue this pattern until you find a healthy balance.

Importance of Alpha Brainwaves

Alphas in nature are leaders, nurturers and protectors. Human alphas are the same way. The ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym™ connects you to those important mid-frequency brainwaves that place you in the now, in the present. Alpha waves represent memory, creativity, alertness and good mental health. The ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym promotes conscious command – awareness of the here and now. Control of your inner alpha is essential to everything in life, including career and relationship success.

Join the ALPHA by Prodigy Mindset Gym™ today.